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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Big Lake Report
Skagit County, WA



36° - 40°
Rainbow Trout
Power Eggs
Hook & Bait

Hello hello!
This report will be three parts, my time there, the time of the people fishing next to me and a dude who came off the lake trolling in a kayak.

My part:
So i got there after stumbling across the boat launch with the dock and small area on the shoreline the day before (11/3) and saw that i t was a great spot to try out for trout after reading the WA fishing rules weeks ago. I got there at around 9am and it was COLDDDDDD. It had snowed the night before and it was freezing. I got their and there was a couple that was on the dock so i took the beach spot to the south of the dock.

I was using pink Power Eggs on a medium small hook that was floated up using 3/4 power eggs on enough weight for a good cast with enough to feel a small tug at the line. I had 10 pnd line on. I gave about 2/4 feet of line off the weight on the bottom and I had better luck with the line about 2/3 feet off the weight floating the power eggs up. First fish was on about 3/4 feet of line. off the weight. I casted out str8 out and after about 20 mins i already had a solid bite. I reeled a good 15inch trout or steel-head all the way to shore but it flopped off. No matter cause after about 40 minutes later i pulled in a good size steel head. I fished from 9 ish to about 2. IT WAS COLD. very pretty but cold. Now I had multiple bites that i missed on the power eggs and I hooked and lost 4 fish on the line as i reeled them in. Size was unknown but i know i missed one big one becuase he pulled a bit of drag out and everything else didnt do anything. I left with a three fish two trout/steelhead, one was 13.in. the other was about 7/8.in. and one perch. Pan fried em for lunch and they were tasty.

Now the second part was what I witnessed of the fellow anglers on the dock.

They had showed up around 7am. They were using light/medium freshwater gear. Bait was just NIGHTCRAWLERS. only. aha And to be honest they made me wish I had brought them becuase they were casting out about the same length as me str8 out from the dock and almost every cast they had a bite. Each of them had about half a worm on with weight about a foot away and they were casting it out and just letting it sit on bottom. I watched them hook a fish about every 20 mins all morning. The fish were perch, trout and steel head. They left with a full catch between the two of them with about 5 perch and about 6 trout/steelhead. They pulled alot to the dock but flopped off before they landed them.

Third part was a dude on a kayak that was trolling.
He had just put in on the lake when i pulled up at 9.
He had trolled and caught a few 12-14inch trout/steel head and told me he let alot of smaller ones go.
Not sure what he was using.

Hope this was helpful for anybody.
Honestly it was stupid pretty with the snow covered trees and the weird rain and slush.

Will be going back to the same spot soon.



11/7/2017 7:39:06 AM
Those aren't steelhead. Steelhead are ocean running rainbows. It looks like you caught a cutthroat trout
11/7/2017 9:42:49 AM
I was the dude in the kayak :) Yes all your fish are cutthroat. For trout Big Lake has mainly cutthroat, but there are a few rainbows. I understand there there are a few landlocked Coho as well (I've never caught one there though) Nightcrawlers to work much better for cutthroat than power egg or power bait.

My report is below if you want an idea of what I was using.
11/7/2017 10:09:23 AM
All your fish except for the perch :)
11/7/2017 1:13:22 PM
aw word!! ahah thats awesome. right right cutthroat thanks! yea ima check your report out for sure!
11/7/2017 12:07:01 PM
I was out Sat also I was in the red Crestline and yes those are cutthroat try white power bait above a night crawler from the shore it was cold wasn't it
11/7/2017 1:14:52 PM
yea it was cold but it was pretty. Ima try a mashmellow with a nightcrawler the next time i go.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709