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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



46° - 50°
Float Fishing
Fish Eggs
Mostly Sunny
All Day

Lanched the Drift boat from Ben Howard @ 7a.m. Fished all day. to Monroe. Got a 8 lb Hatchery buck @ 2:45 p.m. STICK and STAY.....MAK'EM PAY!!!!!


11/19/2017 7:11:55 PM
Gorgeous fish. Way to put in the work. This time of year separates the wheat from the chaff. The tug is the drug, stay addicted!
11/19/2017 10:30:22 PM
Isnt that a coho? I guess I have more to learn...
11/20/2017 6:42:14 AM
looks like a king to me?
11/20/2017 7:22:59 AM
Clipped fin, square tail (no V shape), no black inside the mouth, with a red stripe down the side. Winter run steelhead. Thanks for your concern.
11/20/2017 11:26:15 AM
Umm, did you post the right picture? I see no red stripe, black lips with white gums, little spotting on the tail, and a typical coho tail shape, and a coho body type, plus that bulge in front of the anal fin sure looks like an egg tube so I would call this a female coho (the hooked nose is not too big to be a hen coho). Compare this picture (steelhead) https://i0.wp.com/nwsportsmanmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/sky-steel.jpg?resize=672%2C372 versus this picture (coho) http://www.riversportfishing.com/wp-content/gallery/coho-salmon-page/coho-salmon04-wm.jpg
11/20/2017 4:02:42 PM
Emailed WDFW the picture they confirmed that it is a Steelhead. Once again thanks for the concern.
11/20/2017 4:03:45 PM
Fish more... Google less...
11/20/2017 5:22:30 PM
Little to no spotting on the tail.... Coho
11/21/2017 4:31:53 PM
All of these armchair Fish & Game officers, lmao. Silvers only have spots on the top side of the tail, guys. Calm down.
11/23/2017 5:06:15 PM
Not sure what that is supposed to mean, but I'll let the number of quality & confirmed species I catch speak for themselves. Thanks!
11/22/2017 10:47:22 AM
Cross bread.
11/22/2017 11:18:10 AM
Any recommendations for lures/bait/rigs for someone looking to head out that way over the holiday weekend for some steelhead? It will be my first time fishing for steelhead, I'll be fishing from the bank. Thanks!
11/22/2017 2:47:54 PM
1/8 - 1/4 oz Aero jig pink,white, or black/red 2-6ft. under a float (bobber) depending on the depth. You will get hung up less with this than other rigs.
If your new, don't give up. They are known as the fish of a thousand casts. Good luck.
Bank drifter
11/23/2017 6:18:54 AM
The water will still be pretty high this weekend, the Sky will be better as the next week goes on. Topping that jig with a small piece of raw shrimp is not a bad idea since the water will also be colored due to the crazy rains. Good luck
12/18/2017 9:45:47 PM
That's why I quit posting reports on this site / you get trolled, questioned and lambasted for every report. I fish 100 plus days a year and quit giving daily reports along time ago. To bad you can't give a generous informative report, without all the guff.
Nice winter chrome though.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709