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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Kitsap Lake Report
Kitsap County, WA



56° - 60°
Trolling With Fly
Rainbow Trout
Mostly Sunny

The combination of great weather and available time off gave me the chance to fish Monday. I Heard that Kitsap Lake was stocked recently. Went out with my oldest son. Got to the ramp around 1pm. Noted a few boats out already. Most where launching on the other side of the lake at the WDFW launch but I launched from the main park with a dock as there was no other trailers there. Started trolling with typical red colored wedding ring with a few strikes. Went to end of lake and anchored and switched to power bait. Ended up catching and releasing 3 trout each in about a hour. Most where stockers between 10 to 14 inches. We pulled anchor wanting see if could get something bigger. So decided to troll with Wiggle fin action discs and Arctic tube flys. An idea I got from Rocketvet. Dean Teegard owner of Wigglefin was great to deal with by the way. Orange was the color with a 1/4 oz weight only. About 50' behind the back of the boat. Once in the middle of the lake we trolled at 1.6 mph and within a couple minutes we had a great take down that shocked us with its intensity. It would turn out to be biggest fish of the day a nice feisty 17" Rainbow. Brought him to the boat. Nice thing about trolling the fly's is the hook does not get swallowed. It was an easy catch and release. It was non stop for the next hour with the Wiggle fin set up. By four pm the fish where active on the surface for sure. Our next biggest fish was about 16" inches again in the middle of the lake trolling about 1.6 mph or so with an average depth about 24'. We were back out of the water by 4:30. Good half day of fishing for sure.

Two other notes. While we were coming back in to the boat ramp and dock a couple of kids were playing with their remote control gas powered boat when it died in the water. It was a funny sight but we helped tow their 4' long remote control boat back to the dock. Again an easy catch and release!

Also of bigger concern I noted that the cement blocks in the water for the main Kitsap Lake park launch seemed to be messed up and my trailer almost bottomed out on only about the second block when launching. Not a problem for a 14' aluminum boat. Anything bigger would be a problem however.


3/21/2018 5:06:22 PM
good day for sure!!! Ya that ramp has been messed up for at least a year if not longer. That is why I launch at the pogy club side. Good to know the fish are starting to get active, a couple weeks ago it was bottom fishing only and slow at that. Thanks for the report!!
Butch duke
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709