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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Sammamish Lake Report
King County, WA


56° - 60°
Cutthroat Trout
66° - 70°

I was going to fish Lake Washington's north end today with my fishing partner, however, he called me last night to tell me he had to respond to a family situation and could not fish with me today. Since I live within 15 minutes of the boat launch at Lake Sammamish , I decided to give it a try early this morning fishing by myself. I fished a number of areas on the west side, middle of the lake and on east side from the weather buoy going north, and during 4 hours of fishing time, using all the good stuff frequently mentioned here only landed and carefully released 4 Cutthroat that ranged from 8 to 12 inches. I had several missed strikes. For whatever reason, I did not connect with any of the larger class of Cutthroat. In the last couple of weeks as I've fished the same waters, that class of fish seems to have done a disappearing act on me. If anyone has an explanation for where those larger size Cutthroat are hiding, I would sure like to hear about it. One thing that caused me problems this morning was the frequent hang-ups with weed growth on my trolling line and lure. I was forced to check my line and lure very often.


7/1/2018 1:30:26 PM
Yup, noticed the same size as you were catching for awhile now. Lots of baitfish schools around and not been difficult to locate fish, but the biggest I caught a few days ago was 14". You could call Danny Garrett at WDFW about the size, but must but the present generation that needs to grow, but has the largest numbers in the population presently.
7/1/2018 9:58:31 PM
As for Lake Sammamish, I'm going to give it a rest for its Cutthroat until we get into the fall months. Working the lake for 4 hours during my last couple of outings and only connecting with its smaller size fish, 8 to 12 inches, just does not wet my appetite. I know I can do far better at Lake Washington's north end. The Cutthroat over there run 14 to 18 inches on the average with always the possibility of hooking into a 20+ inch fish. I'm beginning to think there may be something wrong with the Lake Sammmamish Cutthroat fishery. My records from previous years shows the fishing for the larger class of Cutthroat was previous quite good into June and July.
7/13/2018 7:36:01 PM
This time of year the fish are running deeper. Should be fishing around 60 - 70'.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709