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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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16 - Lake Pateros Report



81° - 85°
Trolling W/Downriggers
Sockeye Salmon
66° - 70°

We fished the mouth of the Okanogan Tuesday morning. As we pulled up to our destination at 5am there were already a ton of boats there. My boy said he counted 60 other boats fishing. We got our gear in the water which consisted of Macks's DD dodgers and Moneymaker Sockinator's on a 14 inch leaders. We tipped the trailing hook with red coon shrimp and dunked the baits in Jerrod Gibbons kokanee/sockeye super dipping sauce. I used 3 downriggers and kept the depth between 15 and 21 ft. The action was steady right away and we had four sockeye in the boat by 6 o'clock. During this time I had trolled just outside of the traffic jam of other boats and just as I was ready to turn and head back away from the mass of boats in front of us one of my rods pops out of the clip and line starts peeling off. I am sure its a good sized king by the runs it is making but as I am trying to hold on to the pole I forget about turning and we end up trolling into the mess of boats. It was a little scary for a few minutes as I try to steer out of trouble and keep lines untangled. After I steered the boat out of there I continued to battle the king and as he comes closer to the boat I see a huge dorsal fin and tail. Seeing the boat the fish makes another run and pop it is off! Dang it. I would have liked to see it closer but that's how it goes. After that we ended up trolling further away from the mouth and didn't get any bites for 2 hours. I decided to head back to where we started in the morning and we were back into the fish. We ended up with 8 nice sockeye and 1 pikeminnow. Darn those things. The pole goes off and I think we have our limit and instead its a pikeminnow. Anyway we got off the lake at 1030 and headed home 1 short of our limit before the temps got too high.


7/20/2018 7:57:49 PM
Well done DAD!! Thanks for the report. Andy
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709