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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 10 Seattle - Bremerton Report



81° - 85°
Chinook Salmon
56° - 60°

The Area 10 has been good so far with my efforts for Chinook along with the local area Coho to add icing on the cake so to speak. The areas that are working for me have been from the Area 9/10 boundary line South to Jeff Head. Depths are all over the place but mostly have been from 90-130 FT on the gear, trolling either flow of the tides. Plugs have caught the majority of the Chinook/Coho so far as the food source from the stomachs has been the "green/blue label" herring. When using the various plugs for me, put it 50 FT back from the boat, speeds of 3-3.8 MPH gets the plug moving.


8/10/2018 12:18:44 PM
Havent pulled plugs yet this season. Have had great luck with Old Goats, Squid/Ace hi fly, Silver Horde King Fisher Lites, Brads cut plugs and spinners. Be out next week and I think its time to give plugs a shot.
8/10/2018 4:02:22 PM
I always tell myself next time I'm gonna try something different maybe a different lure or different flasher but somehow I always end up going to the things that have put fish in the box for me. Lol. I really just need venture out my box but i can't argue with results.
8/10/2018 7:02:33 PM
Those J-Plugs were the bit for decades. So long as we don't let these millennial fish know that J-Plugs are out of date - those of us that have a grip of 'em can stay the course. Nice fish.
8/10/2018 8:18:09 PM
Nice fish!! I’ve always wanted to try one of those plugs. I’ve been doing well at Jeff head using coyote spoons with no bait! Just a squirt of bloody tuna.
8/12/2018 10:19:17 AM
I started fishing Ucluelet BC n 1991. Towed my own boat up there 14-15 times over 20 years. Tomics were always the big lure. In the 90's you could buy Tomics for 3-4 bucks each US, cheap. So I have around 30 of them, different sizes. I use them, usually when the fish are scattered, not concentrated because you can troll them twice as fast and cover much more water. I usually wind up fishing them deep. Last Thursday the bite was slow at Kingston and a lot of weeds but the weeds were less thick further offshore. So I switched to Tomics and trolled them at 150-160 feet for 2-3 hours and another 2 hours or so at Jeff Head but no glory.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709