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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Snohomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


66° - 70°
Coho Salmon

Not much going on tonight. Saw one boat take and release a nice Chinook, but no other activity noted. The most interesting part of my evening was when I had my boat beached at the entrance to a side pool, and was throwing spinners and jigs at the biggest group of rolling fish I saw all evening. I had a nice Coho follow the jig up to within about three feet of the boat and in two feet of water when a harbor seal exploded up from the bottom in a huge swirl of water and mud, and chased the salmon out into the main stem. I have no idea whether the salmon escaped or not, but I hope he did. Needless to say, after that little show, the rolling in that pool stopped. Stupid aquatic mammals...

In addition to casting spinners and jigs, I spent some time trolling plugs in both directions, all without a single hit. There were some fishing rolling, but not in large numbers. Really a slow night.

On a positive note, tonight was my first river trip in my new sled, and I brought it home without any rocks or stumps sticking out of the hull. So far, so good...

(By the way, I was fishing from the Snoqualmie/Sky confluence down to the rock outcropping just above the 522 bridge. )


9/26/2018 9:28:21 AM
It amazes me how high the seals get up into that system. I saw a couple a Thomas Eddy a week ago and thought they were far from home. Pretty nuts you encountered one almost at the confluence. I wonder how much further up into the Snoqualmie and Skykomish they venture...
9/26/2018 2:32:18 PM
I kid you not I have seen a smaller seal right above the mouth of the Wallace when that spot used to be open. He was so far up not sure he ever made it back to the ocean. And yes it was a seal, I know otters muskrats beavers etc. We looked eye to eye about 6 ft away when it came up for air and scared the heck out of us both! Only one I've seen above the confluence.
9/26/2018 4:46:22 PM
Wow! Maybe the seal stopped at the mouth of the Wallace to get a burger from Zeke's in Goldbar haha. That is wild. I've fished the Snohomish occasionally over the years mostly at Thomas Eddy and this is the first year I have seen seals up there. I know they are up there more just the first year I have seen them or noticed them up there.
9/26/2018 7:37:10 PM
The thing that shocked me was how shallow he was, and how explosively he showed up. I knew they could turn a tight 180, but... wow. I have no doubt whatsoever that if I had actually hooked that coho, he would have taken it right off the line.
9/26/2018 8:08:41 PM
Well, it seems that the seals have no problem with the coho being lock jaw haha. That would startled me big time haha I don't even like it when fish bump into me when I am wading, always catches me off guard. Last thing I need to worry about now is seals knocking me over
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709