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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



61° - 65°
Trolling With Fly
Rainbow Trout
61° - 65°

Combined report for week of 10/22 – 10/26 and fished Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.

Tuesday was a decent day. Action has slowed in the Lincoln area, location and tactics that had been producing seemed less effective even though we were catching some. I decided to give each location an hour or so, then pulled gear and moved to test other known locations. We fished three different locations before finding some good action in one of my “spots” and finished the day there with three nice fish going 19” – 20” and a total of 8 in the cooler. Saved a pair of fillets for dinner – mmm, mmm!

Stayed off the water Wednesday just to relax and do “housework” and several small things on my “to do” list.

While out Tuesday I marked several nice fish 50’ – 60’ deep so decided to put the downriggers on the boat before launching Thursday. Didn’t matter much at all and the only ‘bow we caught on them was a 16” native. By noon, I’d stowed the downriggers and we were back to trolling leaded lines and flies for the balance of the outing. Ended the day with 7 in the cooler and on the ride back to the launch I spied a group of bighorn sheep, so stopped to watch them for a while. First time I’ve seen them this year.

Friday we started well above Lincoln on reservation side and worked the entire shoreline to just above what’s known as Party Bay. Debbie caught a 14 ½” ‘bow about 20mins in but nothing at all the next hour plus. I searched the shoreline for the bighorns but they were not to be found. Frustrated with the lack of action, I pulled gear and motored back to where we had decent luck the day prior only to find another boat where I wanted to be. Decided to work outside his trolling pattern rather than fall in line and follow, turned out to be a good decision as we found a “pattern” that started producing immediately. Although we didn’t find the bigger 19” – 20” ‘bows like the day before we added five more 15 ½” – 17” ‘bows and ended the day with 6 in the cooler. We left a little early as we were meeting friends for dinner that evening and I wanted time to process our catch and clean up beforehand.

Saturday was a hustle to clean up and pack for road trip home. Even so, it was nice to get away, relax, and spend time on the water.

Water levels rose each day and we noted a marked decrease in bite action after Tuesday’s outing. Level was 1284.8’ at noon Monday and 1285’ when we launched Tuesday. By 0830 Thursday level had risen almost two feet and was 1286.5’.

We trolled Kekeda flies in black/orange and perch. Both produced Tuesday and the biggest came on the black/orange. I noted a preference change in the overcast conditions Thursday, the perch fly had more action, but the orange/black seemed to attract larger ‘bow. Friday perch was the only one they were interested in and I tried several bright flies before caving to Debbie putting ‘bows in the cooler the perch pattern Kekeda. Even after putting another perch Kekeda out, the other rod was the only producer. Why, when running identical flies both sides of the boat, both out exactly 155’, one would get hit and the other not is a mystery to me. Didn’t matter whether it was on and inside or outside turn. I’ve seen this several times over the years and cannot explain it, it’s just fishing.

Flies were tipped with a chunk of crawler and pulled at 2.8 – 3.2mph. We fished morning into early afternoon and we back to the launch by 2:30 at the latest. Winds Tuesday and Wednesday dictated trolling patterns to keep us from fouling gear on hookup. Friday was a smooth water day, not my favorite water condition for fishing, but did me to make the run back to the launch at 40mph and keep my wife and yellow lab happy. :-)


10/28/2018 10:50:35 AM
Sure wish you had found the Koke's - they really are elusive - however, we know persistence is omnipotent. Picked
up a cold so have been down and out this past week and looks like wx is going to spoil this coming week.
10/28/2018 3:38:23 PM
The marks I saw at 50' - 60' were reminiscent of kokanee but whatever they were they were not interested. Get well, no need to be out in the colder wet conditions and have a cold become pneumonia.
10/28/2018 11:46:33 AM
Great report and some really nice pictures. Were you camping at Ft. Spokane, you mentioned packing for the home trip. Test some pink out there, we have been doing pretty good with it. Yesterday I couldn't do anything with the perch fly but the orange produced faithfully. My next trip I was going to try Lincoln to Sterling Point, now not so sure.
10/28/2018 3:46:56 PM
Have a place in Seven Bays so camping "indoors". ;-) Tried pink, pink Muddler, and more, but all they seemed to be interested in Friday was the perch Kekeda. I'd wait for level to stabilize before going out, then again, any day on the water is a good day in my book. Look forward to your report. :-)
10/28/2018 3:54:36 PM
I included a close-up of an intact adipose fin for those who are unsure what an intact fin looks like. If the fin is not intact, meaning complete from the body to the rounded flap with enough "skin" to see the spots, it is NOT an intact fin. If there is a healed over portion of a fin, nub, bump, etc. the fin has been clipped. As seen in the close-up, there is no mistaking an intact fin. Hope that helps some who have been concerned over what is, or isn't, an intact adipose fin. Good catching to you!
10/29/2018 3:31:55 PM
Yep, that's a good one for sure. The ones that I question are the ones that look like a tiny little misshaped finger. They can be long enough to have spots but they sure don't look natural. I usually err to the safe side. One fish here or there doesn't matter that much and maybe this put the wild ones back will start to pay dividends in the not too distant future. Plus I have noticed a distinct lack of humor in the Game Wardens I have met so far.
10/30/2018 8:53:53 AM
It's been almost 2 years since the "pamphlet correction" implementing fin clipped only retention so not surprised wardens are in citation mode versus education mode. I really wish WDFW would post signs at all the ramps on Roosevelt highlighting the difference between an intact adipose and variations of a healed scar, bump, partial fin, etc. so people who don't fish Roosevelt often won't have to get a citation for their lack of knowledge. Surely WDFW, NPS, and the tribes could come up with acceptable use signs to educate those who don't know the difference. I've heard from a couple locals the fine is $234 if caught with a native trout. It is fact some triploids are not clipped, and for those of us who fish Roosevelt often we know the difference, but that doesn't change anything when it comes to the rules - an intact adipose fin does not get retained.

I spoke with some of the net pen crew a few weeks ago and they told me approximately 2% of the hatchery trout are missed which, IMO, is a pretty small percentage considering all those fish are clipped by hand not machine. Happened to be at the dock when the tanker truck was loading a net pen and I captured video of them unloading next year's fish. I'll try to get the video edited, uploaded, and posted on the forum in the next couple weeks. ;-)
11/26/2018 9:17:41 AM
Used to know how to do a back channel email but seem to have lost the knack. Would like to visit about fishing sometime.
11/27/2018 6:52:08 AM
Got it Mark and will try to call this afternoon or evening.
Two Brothers Fishing
10/29/2018 11:01:21 AM
Those are some nice bows in your pictures. We should be going out some time soon if the water levels get stable, and the water temps get a little lower. We haven't been out for a while and are really getting restless to go. Finally got my place ready for winter, and new carpets installed .and my deer in the freezer so I can go fishing. Tight lines to all and be safe. Terry
11/4/2018 12:29:27 PM
I fish Keller a bit and I never try that fast, I am around 1.7 mostly. May need to try faster, but I seem to find fish at the slower troll.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709