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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Sammamish Lake Report
King County, WA



Cutthroat Trout

well folks, it was another great one on Sammamish.

watching the barometric pressure closely, I was excited to get out with my client as it had gone up significantly overnight. the weather was set to be dead calm and sunny, and that it was.

we started the day around 8:30 fishing God's tooth spoons and Reli Lures Diamond Flash spinners. about 15 minutes in we had a fish on. a nice 14 inch clipped coho to start our day. we continued our troll and found willing coho all over the place, so willing you didn't need any attractant, they were just willing to hit anything that went by.

by 10:30, we had caught about 8 coho, 1 chinook, and a kokanee, but we were still looking for that prized cutthroat. we changed our presentation and speed then wham! fish on! the cutthroat were alive and willing to bite. by 12:30, we were limited on cutthroat, keeping in mind all the fish we caught on bait counted towards our limit. the day was filled with fish and sun, making for a fantastic morning on the water. we kept 4 nice cutthroat, and threw one back as well as throwing back a bunch of kokanee, coho, and chinook.

remember, on lake sammamish coho CAN be kept right now as long as they are clipped and over 12 inches. today we ran into chinook, kokanee, coho, and cutthroat, so make sure your fish id is correct. we kept a couple coho as well as our trout, making for a fantastic day on the water.

if you want to get after some hard fighting and delicious fish just 15 minutes from Seattle, give Fast Action Fishing Adventures a call at (425)-753-5772.
lastly, happy holidays to everyone!
tight lines and good luck to all


12/23/2018 8:55:02 PM
Great job Paul! Thanks for the encouraging report(s) and giving the God's Tooth spoons some work! The coho seemed to like the spoons last time I fished Sammamish :-)
12/23/2018 10:38:36 PM
I saw you go by me several times in that spot and I was turning around near you when you were packing it up. Never caught any kokanee, but plenty of coho and some really nice cutts. Fun with the coho. You could tell they weren't trout when they took off going past the boat instead of just fighting behind us. Never used any bait, just some Dick nites and all was good and fast. Should have had a fly rod with some slow sinking tip for those coho. Really got flat and smooth in that spot. Great fun. Thanks for mentioning the regs on the coho. I called to double check with WDFW. And yes, check the ID chart to verify the fish.
12/23/2018 10:59:57 PM
sorry we couldn't meet up brother! flag me down next time you see me and say hello. on a fly rod those coho would be a hoot!

even depth charge line trolled fast might work out there.... hard to say. we got lots of ours at 20 feet, but we also got lots on the surface. both would probably kill it!
you are absolutely right, checking the regs and the fish against the chart is crucial. need to make sure all the laws are followed for ethical reasons and fine/jail time reasons!
tight lines brother and im looking forward to seeing you out there.
12/24/2018 10:20:48 AM
No problem. You were with a client and busy packing gear away, so I didn't want to disturb you. I noticed you had success on the next post after this with a falling barometer. This day we kept fishing until 2:30, but I noticed that the fast bite and rising coho dropped considerably off just before 2 pm. When I looked at the history of the barometric pressure, it was stable up until that point and then started dropping at about 2 pm, and coincided with the bite. I also noted that at 2 pm the fish were showing up in groups at 25 feet instead of spread out through the water column as they were earlier.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709