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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Terrell Lake Report
Whatcom County, WA



61° - 65°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass
Mostly Sunny
All Day
56° - 60°

This trip gets a 4 because the little males kept it interesting in-between the better fish! Caught close to a dozen 1-2lb fish and several over four pounds with the biggest going 5.2. Water temps are perfect and I imagine the spawn will be in full effect soon, hence all the males showing up!

Pitching reeds accounted for the most bass but the swim jig got the quality. The bite didn't heat up until about 9am and the wind was fairly consistent. I couldn't hold all five at the same time, but the four in the pick range from 4.0 to 5.2 and there was another 4 in the well.

The morning topwater bite should be decent with the nice weather this week and the sun will help everything!


5/3/2019 9:46:04 AM
Nice catch Bait!
5/3/2019 12:24:17 PM
Looks like another good day..I have to get out this weekend...
5/4/2019 10:19:49 AM
Why do you hold them in the live well? Why not just release them after catching and a photo if you need one.
I would think that puts unnecessary stress on them prior to the spawn.

And what is the possession limit?
5/4/2019 9:07:17 PM
All released. So during a tournament when 20+ boats are doing it it's perfectly ok, but not one dude on a Friday??
5/4/2019 9:48:32 PM
I have my concerns with the tournament too. Just don't know why you would do it when your recreating other than taking a pic with a fist full. Your not doin resource any favors and putting the fish at risk. Also don't think it's legal to keep fishing after you have more than five in the box.
5/5/2019 6:44:26 AM
BASS (See DOH advisory, page 16)
May be caught, retained, and released
alive from a livewell until a daily limit is in
No min. size. Only LARGEMOUTH BASS
less than 12" may be retained, except 1
over 17" may be retained. Daily limit 5.

"Possession" = HARVESTED fish. ALL fish were RELEASED right after the photo. IF you intend to HARVEST the fish, then the daily possession and SLOT LIMITS apply.
5/5/2019 6:56:33 AM
On the subject of "UNDO STRESS"...let's paint that picture with a broader brush:

Hooking and fighting ANY pre-spawn bass with 'fake food' as they feed to gather energy for the spawn = UNDO STRESS.
Bed fishing for defenseless bedded bass = UNDO STRESS.
Hooking and fighting ANY post-spawn bass with 'fake food' as they feed to regain energy following the spawn = UNDO STRESS.
Hooking and fighting ANY Fall bass with 'fake food' as they feed to gather energy for the Winter = UNDO STRESS.

Maybe we should just limit bass fishing to the month of August??

Stick to trout fishing, or know what you're talking about before you go after someone for posting. YES, the fish were kept for this EXACT pic. Fish were kept in a fully functional, fully aerated livewell, for about 4 hours, then released unharmed and swam off vigorously...after which point I kept fishing another 4 hours.

Feel free to run this conversation to the forum if you like, let others chime in. smh
5/5/2019 9:01:30 AM
AND when a limit is achieved, the person can keep fishing for Bass, and can cull a smaller fish from the livewell, as long as a max of 5 Bass is retained. AND a Bass that is being unhooked is NOT being retained unless it is placed in the livewell, and then another smaller fish is removed, which IS legal.
5/5/2019 10:15:21 AM
Exactly AMX, otherwise EVERY tournament angler in the history of the State has been 'breaking the law'. Time to uncheck the allow comments box again, lol
5/6/2019 7:19:08 PM
8theb8, I really enjoy your posts and being able to comment and read other's comments. I only wish I could have some results like yours. I hesitate to join in this "lively " discussion but I do so in hopes to clarify my own understanding of the complex regulations. I have always thought we could only have 1 bass over 17" in our live well (& 4 other small ones) unless fishing in a permitted tournament with a banner on our engine. Otherwise how could they tell what our true intentions are with our possession limit. I'm no expert on this. I would just like to make sure I understand the regs. I only wish I could catch that many large bass in an outing. You had a great day on the lake regardless. Great job!!! Keep posting please and allowing comments cause I hope to learn from you. Thank you!
5/7/2019 2:52:03 PM
One thing you might do is keep a record of those of us who appreciate and respect your reports, and then just e-mail or PM us you reports so we can read them. lol
5/5/2019 1:19:22 PM
5/5/2019 1:31:51 PM
You stated that you have another four in the live well as the picture is being taken. 4+4=8 that would be 3 over the limit.

UNDO STRESS is this science based? Did you take the fish back to the area were you caught them or were they forced to swim the distance burning calories that would otherwise be reserved for the spawn and protecting the brood?

Again I just don't see why somebody feels it necessary to tote fish around the lake for a few GLORY shots when it's probably within the fishes best interest to be released shortly after it was landed. If you have a real passion for the species might be worth considering them first and not your personal interest of a glory shot.

5/5/2019 1:37:22 PM
I'm not going after you just trying to get your perspective.
5/5/2019 2:28:13 PM
Another 4 pounder chief. Limit of 5.

Also, this is literally the first time in 36 years of bass fishing that I've taken a photo with more than two bass at a time. 'Two' has always been the result of your good old fashioned "double".

Are you a biologist? 'Undo stress' was quoting you.

Again, the easiest way to deal with the 'you's' of the internet is to simply not allow comments...if I even bother posting another report. Too many other bass forum options abound.

SMH again...
5/5/2019 2:50:06 PM
Every bass photo is a glory shot, otherwise why handle them at all?! Risk removing slime or dropping them in the boat?! Perhaps a simple plier release at the side of the boat should be mandated?

Here, I'll make this easy on everyone..... peace.
5/8/2019 5:26:48 PM
I took a glory shot today. It sure wasn't a 4 pounder, but the 3.50 Largie is my biggest for this year. lol And it's even on Youtube. :-)
5/10/2019 12:51:35 PM
Man ive been solid at grabbing four plus 3lbers each day im out this year, but ive yet to grab a 5+! Would kill for one. Ive been hitting the far side (from boat launch) with the best luck.
5/15/2019 6:17:29 PM
I have worked with fish for more than 18 years with a major emphasis on reproduction. Have conducted and been apart of many R-n-D projects. Have had discussions and attended presentations by world leading researchers. I do have a good understanding of the negative effects of stress, therefore it puzzles me when people hold fish in a live well and tote them around the lake for no other reason than a grip and grin.

It's obvious to me that you have invested a lot of time, effort, and money into your pursuit of bass. It's probably a major passion for you. So why not consider the resource first over your own personnel intrest?

I'm not saying quit fishing and release them boat side with pliers. I like to fish for bass too. Heck I even ate a couple this week (they took the plastics a bit deep tried to release one and it floated back up). Not looking for you to quit posting reports neither. Hell I'm impressed with your success sounded like a great fun day.

Enjoy brother, and good luck out on the water!
5/16/2019 11:20:48 AM

Literally everything anglers do to fish of all species could technically be catagorized as "undo stress".

Tell you what, you keep using your high level of fishing 'education' to make fish tacos out of a resource with no semblance of a stocking program in this State and I'll keep gripping and grinning and releasing them completely unharmed like I always have.

Maybe signed up for a bass handling seminar in the future and you won't have to worry about "accidentally" depleting a self-sustaining resource?

Were the ones you killed at least legal as they pertain to our slot limits?? Hopefully you got lucky and weren't "accidentally" poaching as well...

Tight lines "bruh"
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709