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Campbell Lake Report
Skagit County, WA



Rainbow Trout

Haven’t been sleeping right. Too much drama trauma right now. Can’t sleep? GO Fishing! First though was Cavanaugh, but downrigger is stashed 45 minutes from the boat, not smart. Nice cool morning with cloud cover so the back of my neck won’t get fried again. I have never had good luck at Campbell, always no fish or one fish. Today was the same but also different. Trolled 3/4 of a lap and tied into this 17” trout, looked bigger in the water! They always do to me. Just what I was looking for! Made a couple runs, including one at the boat and had to juggle the net and rod to reel it close again. Got it in the net for 5 seconds and the hook popped out. Whew! I thought it was going to jump out of the boat it still had energy to burn. Did another lap with no action, then called it a morning. Launched around 6:30 fish hit about 8 off the water by 9. Thanks to God for the natural beauty of this paradise we call home. Oh and you guessed it, same lucky Seps chartreuse spoon!


5/29/2019 1:36:55 PM
I forgot to mention, if you are in the area, GO BUY STUFF at Lake Erie Grocery. Gem of a place, been there about a hundred years, and the old guy behind the counter may have been there the whole time! They were broken into recently and had the cash register stolen. I suggest rounding up on your purchase. The tug is the drug baby!
Salmon King
5/29/2019 5:49:46 PM
Great report!
Campbell usually slows down greatly about this time of year.
I was going to go this morning but yard work was screaming my name.

I think I’ll hit up either Cavanaugh fir my first time Kokanee fishing or McMurray for Crappie one day this weekend.
5/29/2019 8:15:42 PM
I haven’t been to Campbell very many times but I was expecting the green slime to be in full effect. Not quite yet, was still able to troll with minimal gear checks, I did run extra bead chain just in case. I think I’m headed to Cavanaugh in the AM. I can’t find my downrigger ball snubber though, oh well. Maybe run divers...
Good luck, tight lines!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709