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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



66° - 70°
Trolling With Fly
61° - 65°

Well me and my wife decided to go to Jones Bay and camp for a couple days, decided to bring the boat and do some Kokanee fishing. Woke up early Saturday morning 4am on water by 5am limited out by 5:30 am two nice big Kokanee and a big rainbow trout 21" keeper, one Kokanee 20" and the other 18". Fished in front of Jones bay down 57ft downrigger over 100-200ft of water, pink home made fly and baited with white shoepeg corn soaked in secret sauce, back in camp at 6 am for breakfast. Sunday up early again 4am on water by 4:30am, first Kokanee in boat at 4:45am, my biggest Kokanee ever 23" 4 1/4lbs, wow what a fish, hit like a freight train and made several runs, next Kokanee didn't come until about 5:30am, 18 inches, done and headed back to camp for breakfast. I was trying to target the big Kokanee and was lucky enough to find and catch some of those beautiful fish. Tight Lines and Keep Reelin!!


7/2/2019 10:08:33 PM
Were you fishing at Roosevelt or Banks?
7/2/2019 10:27:23 PM
Nice catches, almost came over last week. Sounds like I should have. Couple ?s do you know if the koke fishing is good the end the of summer? Is it only a real early am bite?
7/3/2019 8:39:45 AM
Yowzu! Way to go, thanks for the report, great to hear of somebody catching Kokes. I'll bet the early start was a big plus for you.
7/3/2019 9:07:20 AM
Very nice. Tried to do the same yesterday, but hard to be on the water at that hour with a 90min commute plus another 30min boat ride. Thanks for GREAT pictures and report!! :-)
7/3/2019 10:11:39 AM
Nice report and nice fish but don`t they need to be cliped to keep?
7/3/2019 4:32:50 PM
KOKANEE Year-round No min. size. Daily limit 6. No more than 2 with intact adipose fins
7/4/2019 8:57:27 AM
Thanks for the up date. Have a good 4th.
7/4/2019 12:16:29 AM
I'm still pretty mad at myself for not getting over there when the big Kokanee were so hot a couple years ago...... Looks like I need to start paying attention to the Roosevelt reports again, Maybe I'll get a second chance? It's hard to pull the trigger on a 4.5 hour drive each way for me, but for the chance of a beautiful fish like those I might just have to! Thanks for the report! Those are amazing fish!
7/7/2019 3:04:58 PM
Stay at Goose Crk RV Pk in Wilbur...they now have a couple of cabins!!
7/4/2019 9:11:50 AM
Sorry for the delayed reply's, LOHANS4 yes I was fishing Roosevelt in front of Jones Bay, TIGHTLINES68, I know that fishing during the summer for these big Kokanee you need to fish deep, I have caught them as deep as 60-120 ft on downrigger and from my own experience "YES EARLY MORNING ", I was only boat out at that time meaning the fish are less "Spooky" more boat traffic the deeper they go, "Just Saying", HEWESFISHER, It would be great for you to come and stay for a couple days so you wouldn't have to drive so much to get there, " It would be worth your time", BDA, you can have 2 of those big Kokanee with adipose fins and thank you WELD22 for answering BDA' a question, These Big Kokanee are fun and hard to catch, so every advantage you have take it, wake up early, soak your shoepeg corn, here's my secret sauce recipe, Mike's Krill, Kokanee and Sockeye Dipping sauce, the Kokanee in Roosevelt feed on fresh water Krill, little shrimp like plankton, make plans to stay for a couple days, leader length 16 to 27 inches, Dodger size , I was using a moon jelly Gibbs Dodger full size 8inches long, Lure choice, I was using pink homemade fly and pink squid with pink flashabo skirt inside the squid and a glowburst smiley blade 1.0 , trolling speed 1.7to 1.8, thanks for the great comments, "Sacrifice" your sleep and time it's worth it!! Tight Lines and Keep Reelin!!
7/8/2019 11:23:41 AM
Thanks for the great update. Short of putting me on the fish and baiting my hook don't see how you could be more helpful. Planning on being down there and stay at Keller or Spring Canyon for a couple of nights so I can get on the water early. If you see the reddest Hewescraft you've ever seen out there swing by and give us a Howdy. Should be on the water Wednesday, Thursday and early Friday.
7/9/2019 6:30:52 AM
Good luck PART-TIME, and good fishing always!! My Dad always told me " Son you can't "catchum" sitting on the couch"! Have fun and I hope you catch a "Big One"!!
7/9/2019 8:18:46 AM
Thanks, think I will launch at Keller and then just go find a piece of sand to live on for the next couple of night. Your Jones Bay sounds good but I haven't fished there much. Had a Koke on in the Basin a few weeks ago, he got the best of me but gave me a good fight for quite awhile. My have to go look for a rematch.
7/9/2019 6:21:14 PM
Swawilla Basin? That is a really good area to fish for those big Kokanee, there is a old pump on the south shoreline just across from the basin , I have caught many big Kokanee there in front of that pump 47-57 ft on downrigger then head back east towards Keller Ferry, several coves that hold those big Kokanee. Let me know how you did, and I want to see pictures of those Big Kokanee you caught!! Tight Lines and Keep Reelin!!
7/16/2019 6:39:48 AM
Near that pump station was where I hooked that big one a few weeks ago. Didn't get down there this last trip, fished from the South Wall to back by the Goat Farm. Had some action everywhere we tried and marked a lot of fish but just didn't get all that many hits and of course most were RB. Will try to up my game with your recipe for the corn and maybe a larger dodger. Ordered some stuff from Old Goat. Planned on going 7/17 but the wind report doesn't sound to favorable.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709