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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Samish Lake Report
Whatcom County, WA



56° - 60°
Trolling W/Downriggers
66° - 70°

First trip back to Samish in 2 months. 2 months ago fish were on the surface, and I got a 45 minute limit. It was crazy hot. This day I got my fish anywhere from 34-50 feet down, and limited in 75 minutes. It's still crazy hot fishing!

I started about 6 am, it was overcast and a decent breeze was blowing. The breeze pretty quickly picked up into a full blown wind, much stronger than I had anticipated for the morning. This did not slow down the action at all though, but it did make keeping a constant speed and steering the Hobie a bit difficult. But like a champ, the Hobie was able to keep me on the fish. Having a tracking skeg really helps in windy conditions.

2 months ago fish were maybe 11-12 inches. They have plumped up a bit since then and are running about 12-13 inches. Both of my lines had Elgin Fishing God's Tooth spoons kokanee rigged by Reli lures, 50/50, and 50/50 blue, 12 inches of leader behind 4 inch Dick Nite clown pattern dodgers. This setup is a kokanee staple for me. I highly recommend these be in your kokanee arsenal!

I mainly fished 1 line at 35 feet, the other at 50. I did mark a lot of fish in the 20-30 foot range, but past experience on this lake told me that those were probably next year's fish, so I went a little deeper than those marks. Speed was all over the place. I tried to maintain a 1.0 - 1.2mp, but got fish as slow as 0.8mph. I was using 20 foot setbacks off of the downrigger clips. I've found on this lake, when the fish have gone deeper, I don't need long setbacks. This helps a lot not to have a lot of line out and increases the landing ratio. Used the same corn I had done up at the first of April. Keep your corn cold at all times, and it will last until you run out. Zero need to have fresh corn each trip. I actually find the longer I've had the corn, the better it preforms :)

Video shows the action for the day.


7/7/2019 5:34:07 PM
Great report and enjoyed your video! Glad to see you won the wind battle in the yak, awesome job!!!

7/7/2019 5:56:40 PM
Thanks Russ! Need to get you out there sometime when the bite is on. It's pretty impressive :)
7/7/2019 5:34:09 PM
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709