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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 8-2 Ports Susan and Gardner Report



Pink Salmon
Mostly Sunny
Buzz Bombs

I fished near mukilteo Friday and Saturday morning. Tried troling like most boats for a while with nothing. Then finally would see schools of surfacing fish and used my kicker to get close enough to cast into them. 2.5oz pink buzz bomb did the trick. Both days caught lots of fish casting into schools. Just wait till one jumps or see a school surfacing and it was game on. Every school we saw Saturday my buddy and I would double up. Let most go and kept a few for the smoker. Also did great for crab near Everett for a 4 hour soak. Got 8 keepers in 2 pots. Great weekend of fishing!


9/3/2019 11:11:55 AM
Same story with my boat. We fished Sunday and Monday, and had so-so luck trolling, but very good action casting to schools of jumpers in Browns Bay.
9/3/2019 12:43:31 PM
Seems more entertaining casting if you ask me. Not to mention I used one of my bass rods with 10lb line which was a good fight!
9/3/2019 3:54:47 PM
I saw some folks doing this yesterday and it did indeed look a lot more fun than dragging around gear. I'm going to give it a try if they are still around next weekend. Suggestions in addition to buzz bombs?
9/3/2019 4:01:48 PM
Pink buzz bombs lol that's the only thing we got them on. Only thing we tried casting though. I'm sure anything you cast into a school will get a fish if they are finning/jumping. I did watch a school of about 30 pinks right under the boat aggressively fighting over my gear at one point.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709