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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 7 San Juan Islands Report



Bottom Fishing From Boat

This report is a little late but I went up to area 7 to fish for a slot limit lingcod the day before the shrimp opener. I launched in the morning with plans of heading toward new areas for me (Orcas Island). Shortly into my run I heard a kind of bang noise if you will. I turned around to see that my kicker was no longer attached to my boat! Folks please make sure your kicker is through bolted on your boat so this doesnt happen to you. I never had a kicker before and assumed it was installed properly. It was a learning lesson for sure. Thankfully insurrance had me covered and my kicker got replaced and bolted to my boat. Since I lost my kicker I decided to change my plans and fish close. I ended catching a lot of quality rockfish and some small lings. Still looking for my slot limit ling! Tight lines!



6/9/2020 8:30:32 PM
I would also recommend a good lock on the kicker. On my new boat a few years ago I thought it was safe being bolted on, andI found out a thief will take the time to unbolt a kicker and remote steering unit. At that time I had a vary high deductible.
I wish the dealer would have recommend a lock.
nerka nailer
6/9/2020 10:16:03 PM
Yeah, thats solid advice! My boat is stored in the garage but on those two day out of town trips a lock makes good sense!
6/11/2020 12:57:06 PM
Also make sure you dont have the kicker down when motoring at speed with the main motor.
6/17/2020 11:50:14 AM
Good day fishing even with no keepers! Nice!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709