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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



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Hey it's the "Gator", had a chance to finally get out for some walleyes after chasing salmon up in the Brewster pool, fished early morning to late afternoon, trolled bottom walkers with smiley blades in glo burst, green with silver stripes, green and chartreuse beads, slow death hook and 3/4 of a night crawler with Mikes orange crawdad scent, fished 40-55ft of water, 0.8- 1.0mph, caught alot of dinks between 9-12" but managed to bring home 15 eaters, fished mainly up by bouy 5. Walleye are in their Fall feeding frenzy and pretty easy to catch at this time, so get off the couch and go get some!! :) Tight Lines and Keep Reelin!!!


9/27/2022 11:26:15 AM
You did way better than I did, well done. All I got were dinks and dink smallies.
9/27/2022 11:44:37 AM
Please don't fish that deep and turn fish back...there is plenty of research out there that suggest many of those fish you are turning back will die.
9/27/2022 3:03:09 PM
Well, well, seems like a real expert on walleye survival rate has stated his opinion, now its my turn, for over the last 40yrs I have fished for walleyes and have released literally hundreds of walleyes between 9 to 12" and haven't seen one come back up to the top of the surface belly up, and for this very reason, first I make sure the fish is not hooked in the gills or bleeding, if he is in the cooler he goes! Most small walleyes I catch are hooked in the lip and swim away with no problem or damage to the fish, and during the winter I am catching walleyes in 90 to 140ft of water and also releasing small walleyes and taking great care to not reel them up to fast so that their swim bladder doesn't protrude from their mouth, I have released salmon, perch, bottom fish on the coast that I have caught in over 90ft of water and watched them swim away unharmed. I am a avid Outdoors man and do everything I can to perserve fish and wildlife for the generations to come and enjoy, and I DONOT appreciate someone who talks like and states an opinion like they are some fish expert talking to someone who has been involved in the Outdoors helping people enjoy what God has made for us to enjoy for generations to come for over 40yrs. STALMASS you can keep your opinions off of my reports! They are not welcome!
9/28/2022 6:25:02 AM
Just ignore the noise maker Gator, Stalmass has been a "member" since 2014 and has never posted a fishing report.

Good on you for getting out having a nice day catching AND releasing 'eyes.

Me? Member since '07 with 13 PAGES of reports and over 1800 posts on the once active forum. :-)
9/27/2022 5:47:33 PM
Just because you see them swim off means nothing...I'm not an expert and guessing you are not either, but there are many out there that have done plenty of studies on this. So since I am not an expert and enjoy catching fish just as you do I will error on the side of data from them. Sorry to ruin your report.
9/28/2022 7:39:05 AM
I'm guessing you're not that sorry or you would have PM'd him.
9/28/2022 8:10:31 AM
I don't post because I have no desire to attract attention. Don't need the glory:). I should have sent him a PM, WELD22, you're correct so again...sorry. I enjoy this fishery a lot and have become pretty serious about hunting down and catching the ever roaming Walleye so get a bit protective. I still feel the same about releasing fish caught from deeper water and guilty of it myself when I first starting chasing Walleye many years ago, but will not target deeper fish any longer...there are always shallow fish. If someone told me something I was doing possibly was doing harm to something I love and enjoy, I would think twice and look into it, not just blow it off touting how long I have been an outdoorsman and how many fish I have released safely. Tight lines to all!!
9/28/2022 11:01:36 AM
Stalmass, your just a over opinionated "NoBody", if you have ever read any of my other reports you would difinitely see that I mention every detail of my fishing trips for the very reason of letting others who are fishing for Walleyes or what ever fish they are fishing for have success in catching them, it has nothing to do about your comment of so called glory, it's about teaching and equiping others so they can enjoy fishing for Walleyes or any other fish, your comments about "blowing it off", and touting how long I have been an Outdoorsman, just goes to show, your ignorance , I speak from experience and the knowledge that I have gained over the past 40yrs as one who has spent alot of time in the Outdoors. And by the way you didn't ruin my report, you just showed everyone else what kind of person you really are??
9/28/2022 1:29:46 PM
Got it Walley...not going to respond other than this to your last post because it has now turned into a pissing match...take care.
9/29/2022 12:53:49 PM
Some people aren't happy until they add their worthless thoughts and try and make themselves feel important. Ignore completely.
9/29/2022 4:28:55 PM
Hey SAMNTRLLR thank you for your encouraging words, I really appreciate what you had to say, I really try to post info that will be useful to other fisherman so they can be successful in fishing.
10/2/2022 11:49:37 AM
did you try main lake at all... ? or just arm
10/2/2022 5:57:07 PM
Just the arm up by bouy 5, the big flat just before bouy 5, 40 to 50ft of water, there is a big trouf off the point on the left side of the river as you are going up river just before bouy 5 after you round the last point before you get to the big flat, hope this helps. :)
10/5/2022 9:15:07 AM
thanks i typically fish the main :) ...
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709