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Riffe Lake Report
Lewis County, WA



Pulled into MossyRock Park about 8:00 AM and launced our boat for what we hoped would be a nice day of fishing. This is only our second trip this year to Riffe and it turned out to be our best fishing yet. We have been experimenting with making our own wedding ring type spinners and this day they proved to be winners. We started trolling in our usual spot and my wife hooked a nice 16" trout and the fight was on dancing on it's tail,after about 5 min. we landed it and my wife commented on how fat it was. I was fishing deep with our down rigger and didn't get a bite all day. We turned the boat around and trolled the opposite direction and "bam" my wife hooked another nice 16" trout this didn't fight guite as hard but was still a lot of fun.The bite quit soon after and we went up the lake to try another spot with no success. So we went back to our first spot and my wife caught another feisty trout. She fought it for what seemed like 1/2 hr. and as she got it close to the boat we could see it was a mucI hadn't had any success with the downrigger so I traded it in on the same thing my wife was using plus some pop gear fishing right on the surface. It wasn't but a few minutes later and I had my first fish a nice 13" Rainbow. But not to be outdone my wife got another fish on but lost it soon after. We had to leave soon so we made one last pass and I hooked up with a monster. The fight didn't last, I looked behind the boat to see the water boiling, a big fin came out of
the water and it was gone. Me and My wife will be back. "SOON"
P.S. We were using a Shrimp-Worm combo bait.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709