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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Martha (AM) Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



61° - 65°
Top Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass
61° - 65°

I headed back to Martha today to hunt down the big fish I fumbled and dropped at the boat the other day.. the fishing was tough! tough! tough!, i think i covered about 80% of the docks/shore line throwing a bunch of crankbaits, worms and grubs but no take downs from that Bass.. or any other bass for that matter.. I spent a good 4 hours on the lake i think and finally about the time i turned around to start heading back to the launch my crankbait got hit and hooked up.. after about 3 cranks on the reel the fight was over and she showed herself.. manky little perch! well, a fish is a fish of course.. so it wasn't a full on skunk of a day. but it was still not a shining moment in the day either.. I'll be back to hunt down that big a$$ bass again soon..

at a few points during the day I stuck my cam underwater and filmed a bunch of shoreline to see if i could check out the video at home and see where the fish were hiding.. I checked it out and I found a spot holding a few bass.. i'll hit that spot hard next time.. \m/

I got a bit of the Bass bug now i think.. tips, tricks, locations, ALL welcomed!

pic: manky perch!!!!


6/12/2013 9:38:00 AM
Oh you poor soul. You don't know what your becoming involved in. The first thing you'll notice is a steady increase in the fishing tackle you'll be carrying, which will eventually require a tacklebox not much smaller than a suitcase. The reason I know this will happen is you made the mistake of asking for advise on what to use. The tackle and colors available for bass fishing are almost endless. And every bass fisherman has his own favorites,and they always seem to be the lures you don't own. I know. I would almost be embarrassed to admit how much money I have wrapped up in rods, reels and tackle. And I don't hold a candle to some of the guys I bass fish with. As far as what to use? There is endless instructions on bass fishing Technics on YouTube. I watch them all the time. Good luck.
6/12/2013 9:58:00 AM
haha, thanks, yeah i have been all over youtubes bass fishing videos last few days.. just as i do for every species i fish for.. well except trout.. ;)
I have a crap ton of salmon gear, rods and reels, a few trout poles and setups. and now a couple bass rod/reels and growing tackles boxes" .. i'm on my way to the suitcase for sure.. \m/
6/12/2013 10:33:00 AM
You're getting there, more and more and more time and tackle. LOL Be sure to read my report for today and it'll give you an idea what to try next time, and what rod to buy to do it with. :-)
6/12/2013 10:53:00 AM
See? I told you. Amx is going to give a report on a lure you most likely don't have, and the rod and reel you need to fish that lure with. This is how it begins. Welcome to the world of bass fishing!
6/12/2013 10:56:00 AM
HaHaHa, ya, I'm just 'baiting' him so he has to spend lots more money on Bass gear. lol
6/12/2013 12:46:00 PM
It was a ploy that worked on me. Why shouldn't continue to work.
6/12/2013 1:46:00 PM
Ya, I used to use spinners/rostertails, hula poppers, flatfish, flyrod poppers, and trout rods. Then plastic worms back when they were hard plastic and hardly wiggled at all. Then crankbaits and went up hill from there. Ended up buying 3 bass boats, the only type boat I've ever owned. lol Now I'm lost if I don't go fishing at least 3 times a week.
6/12/2013 3:40:00 PM
you guys are funny.. I spent 100$ on Monday at Cabelas.. Bass only gear.... :) got skunked at Serene today.. hit it for roughly 2 hours.. i tried drop shot, and crank baits.. found fish on the sonar, likely trout..
6/12/2013 5:30:00 PM
How long did you leave the drop shot sit there before moving it? If 10 seconds doesn't work, leave it sit for 20 seconds. Leave it still and don't even wiggle it. Then wiggle it slightly, then let it sit for another 10 seconds, then wiggle it harder, or move it 1 foot and let it sit again. Try different stuff like that.

Also in a leader length isn't catching anything, try another length. Leave the 15" length of line, and just slide the weight up to 12", then up to 8" or even 6". If 12" or 8" works, then you can cut off the excess line.
6/12/2013 5:38:00 PM
super good tips!! thank you AMX!!
6/12/2013 5:49:00 PM
You're supposed to answer me in my report, then the other readers won't know just what the heck is going on. HaHaHa. Used to do that with Bassination when we talked back in forth. :-)
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709