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Antilon Lake Report
Chelan County, WA



Brown Trout

I know everyone is getting excited about the Northwest Fishing Reports meetup this weekend. Unfortunately Danny and I will miss this years Chelan meet up. But we happened to be in Chelan last week dropping off a cougar that I mounted for a friend. We decided to camp at Chelan state park and fish one of our all time favorite lakes. We did catch a couple of cutthroat for breakfast tossing tasmanian devils from the dock in front of our campsite. Be aware and cook them thoroughly as our fish had tapeworms crawling our of the meat as they were cooking. We ended up fishing Antilon both Saturday evening and Sunday morning. Water is clear and no weed growth. The lake is a no combustible motor lake, and the lake does have a few underwater trees that rise out of the depths to just a few inches under the surface. We trolled both days our favorite trout lures, Tasmanian devils. These awesome little lures, technically a "spoon." have the perfect amount of weight to cast or troll. The great thing about these guys is they perform perfectly at fast or slow speeds. This lake seems to have an abundance of brown trout. Action was consistent the second we left the launch. And with a good pair of polarized glasses you will see groups of browns cruising the shallows. Majority of the browns we caught were in the 16-18inch range. All trout had fat bellies and showed no sign of over population, (slim bodies big heads.) I targeted panfish as well and caught very average sized black crappie and pumpkin seeds. This would be a fantastic lake for kids as the fish are plenty and hard fighting. We did troll small simon spoons and spinners but the tasmanian devils out performed everything else by a long shot. There are some real lunkers in there that we never got to the boat. And having a double on wasnt unusual. I highly suggest taking the time to visit this lake while at the chelan meetup!


4/28/2016 7:16:00 PM
Nice report.
4/29/2016 10:00:00 AM
Show one of the lures or include a link? I would like to get a few. Ty
4/29/2016 10:21:00 AM
Thanks Toni!
@cobrar- One of the few places we have been able to find them is at Cabelas. Otherwise the company has a booth at the Portland Sportsman show, and we pick them up there. Here is a link to the color that we did best with. https://www.wigstonslures.com.au/shop/catalogue.htm?&page=2&productId=38

And this pink one works fantastic for the stocker rainbows. You can troll them super slow and we will usually out fish the folks using the flasher spinner combo. The lure is also a soft acrylic so if you want to get more wobble you can just slightly bend it. https://www.wigstonslures.com.au/shop/catalogue.htm?&page=4&productId=65
4/29/2016 12:30:00 PM
Nice Browns! I fished there last about 8 years ago. Crappy where plentiful and a bunch of fun to catch on a light weight fly rod.
I knew there where browns in the but never hooked up with one. I can tell you to be careful on warm days. The rattlers like to hang out in the rocks next to the water on the far side of the lake and I have had to go around a few of them in the water (in a float tube). Scared the bajeepers out of me!
4/29/2016 3:18:00 PM
Last time we were there a couple years ago, the sunfish were so full of worms if the meat there seemed less meat than worm, so yeah, cook the blazes out of anything out of there. The trout seemed to have more adult versions. Not a lake to stock the freezer from. Still, sounds like fun.
5/2/2016 10:09:00 PM
Hey Alycia! Glad you guys got a chance to go back to that little diamond in the rough! Great pics and I was not able to make it up there again this time as the weather was just too good to pass up staying on Lake Chelan as long as possible!
The Landlord
6/25/2016 9:05:00 PM
Hey kids...I could not find a "color #38" in the tazmanian devil catalog. What color was it? Thanks!
6/26/2016 1:26:00 AM
The color was the red nosed bomber. Number 48
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709