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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Puyallup River Report
Pierce County, WA



Drift Fishing
Coho Salmon
Corky & Yarn

Went out for a couple hours late this morning with a good buddy. Not a lot of guys fishing and even fewer fish rolling. Saw one jump in two hours. Went 1 for 2 landing a small 3lb or so hen working around the mouth of the white/stuck river. Small pencil lead in tubing on a sliding swivel, 4' leader and orange corky with yellow polka dots and orange yarn smeared with shrimp oil and a sticky sharp 4/0 hook. Lost the second one mainly due to not so sharp hook and a weak hook set.


10/19/2012 4:12:00 PM
Nice fish...thanks for the report.
10/19/2012 5:55:00 PM
Thanks and no problem.
10/19/2012 7:12:00 PM
Good lord.... 4/0 hook?...... Going for moby dick?..... Just kidding, nice fish.....
10/19/2012 7:51:00 PM
Yeah......pretty much. Lol i use what I have. Leftovers from the salt. They all catch fish.
10/20/2012 9:04:00 AM
A 4/0 hook is against the regs. you should read the anti snagging rule. read the regs before you fish. anywhere.
10/20/2012 9:34:00 AM
I actually did read the regs and must have missed that. I didn't even think about it because I don't need to snag fish. And I always read the regs before I fish but thanks for being the states rule advocate today buddy.
10/20/2012 10:02:00 AM
Ok, so I'm a little embarrassed that I don't know the anti snagging rule. Guess I should have read more of the regs so I can be better educated. Now I am a bit wiser and thanks for that info fishininja. But if you want to get technical, the rule reads no hooks more than 3/4" from point to shank. The 4/0 hook that is still on my pole now measures less than 3/4" from point to shank. Just under at 11/16". So fishininja, you should not only read your regs, but understand them before you preach to me or anyone else on here as it is offensive the way you came at me. Go chase the poachers if you are so inclined to regulate and have a little more respect for your fishing brethren. Guys and gals on this site for the most part seem like good, honest, hard working fisher people and in no way intend to illegally catch fish. Myself included.
10/20/2012 8:39:00 PM
That looks like it may be a Chum?
10/20/2012 10:42:00 PM
Definitely not a chum.
10/21/2012 8:51:00 PM
According to the regs salmon identification pages, a chum will have a deeper v in it's tail and no spots on the back. Cohos, like this one I caught, have small spots on the back. They both have white gum lines so that doesn't help. But the pic doesn't show what I could see in person which is an even red tint down the sides which is a definite sign she was a coho. Chums get a tiger stripe thing goin on as they transform into the spawning stage.
10/22/2012 5:40:00 AM
Ya, I was looking more at the large scales and the small caudal peduncle. But ok it's a Coho it is kinda hard to tell from a photo. Good job
10/22/2012 10:07:00 AM
Yeah I here ya. I won't even say I'm positive it's a coho. I'm definitely not a pro at fish identification. But I'm pretty sure it is. When you questioned it I had to give it a good looking over again while looking at the guidelines the fishing regs give us. Definitely a lot of chums coming in everywhere though. The nets in the duwamish are stacked full of chums with barely any coho. I talked to a guy this morning. Almost 400 chum last night and 4 cohos in their nets.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709