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Cle Elum River Report
Kittitas County, WA



Fly Fishing
Rainbow Trout
Floating Fly Line

So after not doing to well on the Cooper River above lake Cle Elum, I returned down to the places I knew better. I had caught a really nice wild 16" rainbow on the Lower Cle Elum about 2 weeks ago. There is a new trail that has been built from the Suncadia lodge, going down to the river below the lodge. It is a prime time to explore the lower Cle Elum, as the water levels are as low as they will go. This opens up all of the fishy looking holes, like you would not see them any other time of year. The walk takes about 15 minutes.
As you approach the river there is a long downed tree in the river... this looked very fishy along the shoreline side of the tree. I gave it some attention with my new found "Nymphing skills" as taught by the Cle Elum fly shop, lol. No luck along that area. I then moved out to the main sand bar. Fished the main river stretch in some faster current. Was using a Nymph of sorts? Still dialing in what exactly that means. It was buggy... and had legs to extenuate its contrast/profile. It took awhile but I picked up a decent 12" trout in that area. It was an extremely beautiful fish. Very golden and colorful. I want to say a cutthroat, and that should seem obvious, etc. But it wasn't at all like the cutts. that I catch in lake WA. Such rich colors. I think though from the pic. I can see the throat slashes, and the spotting is resembling the cutts. that I'm more familiar with. The fins on the bottom side of the fish, inferior to the head were very golden. (no it was not a golden trout... they are very familiar in the grocery store.)
Anyway... that was the only fish I produced in this area. There was also a beaver dam on a incoming side stream. Very cool. i cast a few dry flys in there, but nothing happening. There were some really small 3" fish jumping in there though. Not another soul around, cloudy skies, 50 degrees.
Next stop... moved on to pond on Suncadia's property. Will report in Secret lakes, since it has no name.
Caught the largest trout Ive caught in 3-4 years.


Lake Chelan Adventures
10/30/2012 8:36:00 PM
The fish species pictured is a Westslope Cutthroat trout..Lake Chelan is the Mother Lake of this species and I have raised them when I was a Hatchery Specialist for WDFW at Chelan Hatchery..They are a Gorgeous Fish. I have caught these fish up lake in Lake Chelan in the 18 inch 2lb. range..Thanks for the report and it would not surprise me if I had something to do with raising this fish! We stocked all those lakes and streams in that area from Chelan Hatchery.
The Quadfather
10/30/2012 8:53:00 PM
Thanks for the input, Chelan Adventures sir. If I didn't mention it, the fish was released happily. C/R Cle Elum river, etc. Ya, I was most certain it was a cutt, but didn't want someone to blast me for a mis-identification, lol.
10/30/2012 9:37:00 PM
That's a bull trout.... Hahaha j/k... Great write ups on both rivers. Depending on the pool you were at on the cooper you might have needed to go deeper ie 1 to 3 feet off the bottom. Oh and dude Winston would have made you look like a nut unless you smoke a pipe and carry a flask of scotch.... Then it would be cool, but cmon echos are nice... Picking up an echo 3 myself... But I am getting the 14 foot 8 wgt spey
10/30/2012 10:52:00 PM
Sweet reports Quad. Both trips sound awesome.
10/31/2012 7:28:00 AM
caught one in Clallam counties crescent lake 3 summers ago trolling a black and red woolybugger.
It was 25 inches,about 3 lbs.Biggest cutt i ever caught.Love that lake,loads of big fish.hardly any pressure.
10/31/2012 2:24:00 PM
Nice review, sounds great, also got your heads up on the message you sent me, will follow up when time available, but will definitely check it out and let you know,...
11/1/2012 12:41:00 AM
I always catch some beauties in Kachess.
11/19/2012 10:57:00 PM
Nice Report! I have heard about the new trail at Suncadia, but hadn't ventured down yet. Heading up for Turkey Day, gonna have to go drift some flies down there. The pond is fun for the kids, not much fight in them. Wish they would stock some bigger fish in there, make it some real fun.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709