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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Carbon River Report
Pierce County, WA



Float Fishing
Coho Salmon
Fish Eggs
Hook & Bait

After my local river (Green) got shut down to coho retention, which pretty much shut it down for all intents and purposes, I was in search of a new river to find salmon in. Boy, 162 into Orting can be a mess on "pumpkin patch weekends!"

I fished downstream from the water treatment plant both days this weekend, with no luck. Water was on the murky side. I drifted eggs under a bobber, and had 2-3 solid takedowns, but no hookups. Saw a handful of other people fishing nearby, but didn't see anybody hauling any fish around. I think I need to find deeper, slower water, to find the fish. The only signs of life in the water all weekend long were a couple small zombie pinks or silvers floating downstream.

The only thing I left with, was a grocery bag full of fishing line (after I spent half an hour picking up) that other people left behind. What a shame to see such a mess. Looking at the garbage, it looks like most people use corky/yarn setups on red hooks.


10/19/2015 4:56:00 AM
Oops. Wrong weekend selected for my report. Weekend fished was actually the 17/18th.
10/19/2015 9:57:00 AM
Good fish karma sure to come your way. With the silty water most people are just lining them with corkies. Fish are far and in between right now. Your in the right neighborhood. If we get a good rain should get a decent push of fish up there. The carbon typically has some decent late fish. Who knows this year.
10/19/2015 7:26:00 PM
At least you didn't come home empty handed! Lol.. I know I appreciate when other people bring a bag, it makes a difference! Damn near anywhere you fish there seems to be a mess strewn across the bank. Can't really blame people for snagging bottom and breaking off but when you pull a snagged line out you'd figure it'd be easy to just bring a bag, fill it up, and dispose of it properly. Seeing empty beverage and food containers are what frustrate me the most however.. it would be nice to see more people solving the problem than contributing to it... I'll get off my soapbox...
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709