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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report



Chinook Salmon
All Day

Only able to land one 34" hatchery Chinook and a shaker today. Probably won't get another chance to hit area 9 for Chinook again until the winter unless there is enough quota left to open it a few more days. I heard the first 2 days were really good fishing but today we had to work hard for this one fish. We hooked 2 others but only fought them for a brief moment before they were able to shake free. We started our day before sunrise launching from everett and ran all the way down to jeff head to try and get away from the possession point crowds. I was running red racer blinky flasher with a 2.8 old goat lure in the herring aide color.Nothing there so we motored on up to apple tree cove. Also nothing. At about 930 we decided what the heck let's give possession a shot and at the very least we were closer to home. Worked the eastside of the bar for about 2 hours with nothing when I decided to switch over to a coochie rig. Within seconds of dropping it I had a fish that ended up being our only keeper for the day. My buddy switched over to hoochie and also hooked up but lost both fish before we could take a look at them. What i learned from this trip is don't give up and if obe thing doesn't seem to work try something else


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709