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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



31° - 35°
Rainbow Trout
Trolling Fly
All Day
Under 40°

WellI got off the couch and busted a move, that part should be rated a 5+. Was able to hook up with a long time friend and co-worker, back when we were involved with that sort of thing and take him for his first trip to Roosevelt. We got to Ft. Spokane around 8:30 and headed down past A rock and started trolling. It was a weird day. Seemed like we would drag around forever and then "Bang" we would get a double. To make things more interesting the doubles would be on completely different tackle. Was using the usual plan, go down bang out a couple of limits of trout and then go get some Walleye. I may need a new plan, I don't think that one has ever really panned out. But anyway , it was good to be there, hadn't been on the water since 10/14/22 which was a warm sunny day. Today the reflections were really special. With the overcast and the water flat as glass it was really pretty. The fish we caught today were quite a bit heavier than the ones we caught at Porcupine Bay back in October. Wondering if this is just the result of time and growth or are these from a different hatchery or something? The biggest fish was chunky 20 incher and the smallest was a 15 inch Jack. Caught both of those after I started filleting the 4 in the picture. We also boated a nice wild fish that we returned.
Just happy to be out and after them, because, after them is the right thing to do.
Happy New Year and God Bless Everyone!


1/4/2023 10:38:09 AM
Nice Part Time! I try Kokabow lures for Kokanee, osprey and eagle talon, no great success. Wondering what works for trout? Thx Don
1/4/2023 12:54:36 PM
Don, We caught the biggest fish(20" not pictured) on a blue Kokabow spinner but as usual for me an orange Kekeda trolling fly was probably the best, one of the smaller ones.
1/4/2023 10:38:11 AM
1/4/2023 11:32:11 AM
Hi Mark- Wow. You did well for sure. Nice looking fish. And the lake was sure smooth. Glad you were able to take advantage. Just so you know, I don't have a big boat anymore. Things have changed for me. I do have a boat tho. Its a 9 foot Outcast pontoon boat. It's the 6th one I've owned over the years so I am familiar with them. The hardest part about it is getting my fins strapped on. By belly really makes it a challenge to bend clear down to my feet. But I sure am having fun in it. Have had 33 nice 15+inch fish in the net in two trips in the last month or so. May even get over to Roosevelt later this spring I hope. Take care and keep fishing. Denny

1/4/2023 12:48:15 PM
Let me know if you can make it, I'll try to have my boat there. Understand about getting to the feet.
1/5/2023 6:12:09 AM
Glad you got out and had some action Part-time. I concur these Columbia fish are eating better than the spokane ones and the fillets for smoking have been high quality. Thank you for your report!
1/7/2023 5:33:03 AM
Enjoyed your report, lived it vicariously since our boat is snow bound. I LOVE those winter days on the water and putting fat Roosevelt 'bows in the cooler. Thanks for sharing your trip. :-)
1/7/2023 7:55:04 AM
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709